Home My StoryMedical Updates August Blood Test Results

August Blood Test Results

by Maggie Jones

Let it be known that all your prayers and good vibes are paying off. Cancer needs your prayers now ’cause I’m kicking its ass.

Both blood tumor markers that the hospital has been tracking are officially in the normal range – my lowest results ever. My liver function isn’t great because of the meds but it’s nothing alarming. I did find out that the lesions in my liver that were previously characterized as “possibly benign” are not benign. So I have cancer in my liver, too, but whatever. Those lesions/ tumors were smaller at my last scan which is how we know they’re not benign. I still have some mild side effects from the lorlatinib but honestly, I feel healthier than I ever have in my adult life. Entire life, maybe?

In fact, it may not just be a feeling. I got a DXA body scan at the HKU Sports Center yesterday and my bone density is great, body fat at 25% with very little stored as visceral fat, good muscle mass, etc. The researcher noted that I must have a great diet and I almost laughed but managed a solemn “yeah.”

I know this period of almost euphoric good health won’t last forever but I’m savoring every moment. At the same time, I’m working to make it last as long as I can. I believe so deeply in the idea of “the seed and the soil” when it comes to cancer. I’m unspeakably grateful to the radiosurgeries and TKIs for pruning the seed. With nutrition, meditation, yoga, fasting, and all my many other tools, I’m razing and salting this motherfucking soil. Ain’t nothing going to grow in this body but love and gratitude.

Namaste, bitches.


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Dave August 25, 2019 - 12:42 pm

So glad to read this good news, Maggie! Namaste!

Maggie August 26, 2019 - 7:45 am

Thank you! I hope I can keep delivering the good stuff =D

Robbie August 26, 2019 - 7:37 am


Trippe Kimbrell August 26, 2019 - 1:25 pm

Awesome news!

Alice August 28, 2019 - 7:48 am

So, so good! Happy to hear you’re crushing it

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