I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Even having been through it myself, I cannot imagine what you, personally, are going through.
What I do know is that, no matter how awful your prognosis, you can get through this. I had 6 to 8 months and am now in the best health of my life. You’re reading this, which means you want to live and are willing to do more than the bare minimum of what your doctors tell you in order to survive.
There is a life on the other side of this. Even one where you are grateful for this experience, for what you will have learned about yourself and how you will have grown as a person.
I now believe that cancer is a messenger sending a message from your body that something is not right — whether that’s carcinogens from the factory next door, years of stress and lack of sleep, inflammatory processed foods, unexpressed emotion, smoking — whatever, something is wrong and broke your body’s ability to heal itself.
Maybe you got the message right away, in the early stages, and can make minor adjustments to answer your body’s cries for help. Maybe, like me, you’re very very late and need a complete lifestyle transformation. Wherever you started this journey, you can find your way through. And it is never too late.

Metabolic Theory of Cancer
The cancer paradigm is shifting and your oncologist may not even be aware yet. We know now that cancer is a metabolic disease. That is, cancer is caused by diseased mitochondria, the cellular organelles responsible for creating energy. Healthy mitochondria are able to create energy from a variety of sugar or fat fuels, using oxygen or not – but preferring oxygen. This adaptability is called metabolic flexibility. Most cancerous cells, on the other hand, prefer to create energy using one method that uses sugar but no oxygen. This method is very inefficient and requires lots and lots of sugar. This fact is known as the Warburg Effect. This isn’t new knowledge – Nobel laureate Otto Warburg discovered this in the 30s and it’s the reason why PET scans work– it’s just something that cancer researchers stopped focusing on when DNA was discovered. Read more details on the science here.
After sequencing the genome of over 10,000 tumors and failing to find a meaningful pattern that could lead to a true cure for cancer, some doctors and researchers remembered Warburg’s discoveries and focused on treatments targeting cancer’s unique metabolism. And they are working!
So far, most of these treatments either can’t be patented or are too inexpensive for pharmaceutical companies to market them. In fact, the funding for studies proving effectiveness of these treatments comes primarily from non-profit foundations, cancer patients themselves, or a few public institutions who aren’t completely dependent on corporate benefactor and lobbyist dollars. But fortunately, the studies are being done.
In addition to reading the research being published, I’ve been privileged to attend conferences and liaise with the heads of in-progress studies. I’m confident that this new treatment paradigm will become standard in the next decade. But most can’t afford to wait a decade.
I created this blog to share the metabolic treatments that work and the research supporting them. All can be used alongside conventional treatment like radiation and chemo to make those therapies more effective.
Where to Start
Based on my research and experience using metabolic therapies to heal from stage 4 cancer, here are the steps I would immediately take if I were just beginning again today.
- Start fasting. Now. If you are not underweight, do not eat for the next 24-72 hours while you read the information here.
How to Fast for Cancer - Resume eating only healing foods shown to fight cancer, boost the immune system, and reduce inflammation.
How to start a therapeutic, whole foods, plant based ketogenic diet for cancer - Maintain a GKI as low as you can for as much time as you can. Less than 1.0 is optimal. Less than 3.0 is still therapeutic cancer-starving territory.
Complete guide to GKI (Glucose Ketone Index) - Reduce your overall toxic load so your immune system and excretory organs can focus on fighting your cancer and detoxing the poison of conventional treatment.
How to detox and reduce your overall toxic load while fighting cancer - Address your stress! Consider Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction or another mindfulness class.
How to guide coming soon - Consider the Care Oncology Protocol and join their patient-funded stage 3 trial of inexpensive off-label drugs already proven safe and effective for cancer treatment.
Contact Care Oncology
Thank you. Some say a macrobiotic diet is good.
I really like that a macrobiotic diet is based on whole foods. The most benefit comes from eliminating processed food, sugar, alcohol, and fried foods which both a macrobiotic and functional plant-based keto do. Though it doesn’t have all the advantages of a ketogenic diet, if you feel called to a macrobiotic diet, it will still have enormous benefits for your health! My thoughts are with you!
Hi Maggie,
Hope you are doing good. Happy to hear that you are free from cancer.
I got diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma stage 4. I am undergoing chemo-Immuno therapy. I strongly believe that food is the main weapon to fight against cancer and I want to follow the keto diet. I am completely into non-veg and have less idea about plant-based foods.
May you please help me with the below queries:
1. what foods can be taken in the plant-based keto diet
2. Can Egg be included in the diet
3. Can I follow the diet along with the chemo
Hi Vinay! You have a major journey ahead but the work and research you’re doing now are evidence that you’ll come through the other siide!
1. I have a list of plant foods to eat during therapeutic keto along with a printable cheat sheet here: https://cancerv.me/2020/04/16/what-to-eat-on-a-functional-therapeutic-ketogenic-diet/ Be sure to also check out this step-by-step guide on how to get started: https://cancerv.me/2020/04/09/how-to-start-a-therapeutic-ketogenic-diet-for-cancer-step-by-step-guide/
2. You can absolutely include egg if it fits your macros. Try to choose an organic, pasture-raised egg, if possible. I eat around 4-8 eggs a month myself.
3. You should always consult with your doctor but I’ve worked with dozens and dozens of clients who have found success using keto in combination with chemo. Check out this great study from 2019 showing that 100% of late stage breast cancer patients using keto+chemo survived after 30 months compared to only 60% of those using chemo alone: https://cancerv.me/2020/05/10/case-study-keto-and-fasting-resolve-stage-4-cancer-without-chemo-or-radiation/ Read a full survey of the evidence for keto for cancer along with what cancers it’s best for here: https://cancerv.me/2019/10/11/keto-for-cancer-benefits-and-downsides/
Sending you love!
Please look into Rick Simpson and RSO. I don’t know if you’ve done any research on cannabis oil and CBD and the effects it has on killing cancer cells but you should really look into it.
I was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer (dipg) June of 2018 and given 9 months to live. I’m still here and more healthy then ever and it’s because I’ve done everything you mentioned you did to heal plus I take a gram a day of RSO. There is a ton of people with similar stories and how they attribute cannabis oil to making them cancer free. You should check out Cannabis Health Radio on YouTube or Spotify.
Hi Steve! I’m so happy to hear your story of healing! I have several other clients who’ve found success with RSO. I’m thrilled that it’s working for you!
I just noticed that the “Just diagnosed? START HERE” link button shown on top of your website is not leading into this page, instead it has a “404 Error” , I thought to let you know since I believe you may not be aware.
Thank you so much for letting me know! And reminding me I need to update this page.
So great to hear from you, too!! Hope all is well.
I have a guide I bought called “How to stop cancer fast,”by MJ Parker. It uses Dr. Warburg’s protocol. The problem I’m finding is, since there’s no way to ask questions, I’m kind of lost in places. I can’t find a definitive answer to how many grams of fat or protein I should have, it just stresses no more than 20 grams of carbs. Do you have any information about this?
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Hi Saroni!
There are so many individual factor involved in therapeutic ketosis – when I coach clients I look at their epidemics, their meds, their cancer genetics, their lifestyle, and most of all their blood-glucose measurements juxtaposed against their food log. It’s true that, unless you are of Inuit ancestry or on steroids, you will be in ketosis after 2 weeks < 20g carbs/ moderate protein or 2 days of fasting. However, some people attain therapeutic keto much faster or can eat far more carbs. My advice is to work with a practitioner who understands this therapy - I have a few at cancerV.me/faq Sending my love! Maggie