Beginning a few days after we returned to Hong Kong things have been going a touch downhill. My dizziness, nausea, and “spells” have significantly increased and energy is way down. I’ve also have a mild headache about half the time. I’ve been able to rule out low blood sugar and a few other variables. I’m starting to think it may be due to cancer ๐
The other bummer is that the tumors behind my clavicles have become visible to the naked eye again. The one on the left has been growing since it’s smallest size before our trip to the states but made some big progress our last week in Austin and first week here. I can also feel (though not see) that one on the left side of my back is bigger. That one hasn’t given me trouble since our trip to the Philippines in October.

I’m curious to see what my tumor markers are in next week’s blood test. My next MRI isn’t scheduled yet but should be in early April. Oddly, maybe I need to hope that one of my new brain tumors has grown to over 5mm so I can get into the lorlatinib study. If Xalkori’s stopped working for my body tumors I want to move to the next TKI ASAP. The trial would be a nice way to save a bit of money ๐
In the meantime
Time to double down on rebounder, healing foods, and positive vibes.
I can’t resist
Here I am making that tumor really pop in all it’s glorious neck waddle.
While I’m taking selfies and to ease my vanity, here’s evidence that my hair is starting to grow back!