Spring has sprung in Seattle and it’s just beautiful. Brad and I got lucky and missed the worst of winter while we were on the road filming the documentary. We …
Maggie Jones
Maggie Jones
Cancer is a messenger and I got the message when, at age 40, I was diagnosed with terminal cancer spread to the brain. I finally had an excuse to prioritize myself and my health. I'm outliving my prognosis, healthier than I've ever been, and savoring every moment of this life.
Metabolic Dietary Therapy: Fasting, Keto and Functional Foods
Types of Therapeutic Keto: Sample Meal Plans and How to Choose The Right Diet for You
by Maggie Jonesby Maggie JonesKetogenic diets have been used medically for at least 3000 years. It gained traction in allopathic medicine at the end of the 19th century and has been an accepted treatment …
If you follow a therapeutic keto diet then it’s not unusual to need a bit more fat to meet your daily macro targets and don’t have the interest in another …
Holy smokes! I can’t believe I’ve gone six months without an update! I guess I’ve been too busy enjoying life. Since my last update, Brad and I left Scotland to …
Metabolic Dietary Therapy: Fasting, Keto and Functional FoodsReduce Toxic Burden
Why You Really Should Eat Organic
by Maggie Jonesby Maggie JonesI get it. I was a skeptic. A big, fat, cynical skeptic. I would scoff at the prices of organic food and mutter about my perfectly adequate liver and kidney. …
Clinical TreatmentsOff-Label Drugs
The COC Protocol & Meakin Metabolic for Metabolic Cancer Treatment
by Maggie Jonesby Maggie JonesApril 2023 Update: I’m thrilled to announce that Dr. Charles Meakin, my integrative oncologist and former US Medical Director of Care Oncology has opened MeakinMetabolicCare.com Not only does he continue …
My blood test at the end of July showed that my cancer tumor markers are still well within the normal range. While I’m technically overdue for updated PET-CT scans, I …
Metabolic Dietary Therapy: Fasting, Keto and Functional Foods
Comparing the Best Low Carb Noodles
by Maggie Jonesby Maggie JonesWhen some people first consider adopting a therapeutic ketogenic diet, their first feeling is often one of deprivation at the idea of giving up processed carbohydrates. Even when the diet …
Metabolic Dietary Therapy: Fasting, Keto and Functional Foods
How to keep your super healthy diet while traveling
by Maggie Jonesby Maggie JonesThe year and a half following our move from LA to Hong Kong and my terminal cancer diagnosis, I traveled by plane, train or boat 30 times to 22 different …
For those times when you need a treat, this low carb apple tart will hit the spot. Inspired by Melissa over at I Breathe I’m Hungry (see the original here) …
Cancer-Fighting Recipes
Simple Cucumber Tomato Gazpacho | Plant-Based Keto
by Maggie Jonesby Maggie JonesGazpacho can be such an incredibly healing food. Just a bowl of vegetables served raw, so they have all their healing enzymes emulsified, so they’re easier to digest and the …
I love decorating smoothie bowls but having to avoid fruit to stay keto limits my options. Then a friend helped me realize that my fruit-free green smoothies are really just …