I’d been reading in The Metabolic Approach to Cancer about the benefits of both fennel and parsley, wondering how to incorporate more into our diet, when our organic farm suddenly had both available for our weekly delivery. It was fate when a little Googling brought me to this recipe from Bon Appetit.

I didn’t think I was a fennel fan and assumed I’d force it down for the nutritional value but in this salad I love the taste, too.
Thinly slicing the fennel with a mandoline ensures a delicate texture and that each bite is balanced. I hadn’t eaten an apple (or any fruit except the rare berry) in over six months but the small amounts here fit in my keto diet while letting me take advantage of apple’s unique polyphenols posited to have anticancer properties. And they’re obviously delicious, too. Their crisp-tart sweetness perfectly balances the liquorishy richness of the fennel.

The flavors of the vegetables are so well partnered that only a little oil and vinegar is needed to dress them. I usually toss salads in oil first to coat and protect the veggies before splashing on the vinegar. Of course, never forget to salt a salad.
This salad is so fast and easy to make it will be in our rotation every time the farm has fennel and parsley.

Macro Breakdown per serving (a serving is 1/2 the recipe)
215 Calories
Total Carbs 20g | Fiber 9g | Net carbs 11g | Protein 5g | Fat 15g
Always weigh and measure your own ingredients to ensure accurate tracking.