I posted this recipe in the early days of the blog but the sad pictures just didn’t do it justice. Six months later it’s still in regular rotation about every other week at our house.

We generally don’t eat much unfermented soy but miso, tamari and tempeh are all on the menu.

Tempeh is made from whole soybeans pressed into a cake and fermented. It’s a whole food with probiotics. To me, nutrition-wise, it’s far superior to tofu in which the soybeans are pretty heavily processed (ground up, made into milk, curdled, pasteurized, etc). So tempeh it is at chez Jones. You’ll find it cooked in most recipes but, after marinating it in this tasty dressing, I think it’s plenty tasty raw – not to mention that all the yummy enzymes and nutrients stay intact.

I usually turn to this salad when I want a little extra protein but the cabbage is relatively high carb. I really don’t think all that cabbage gets fully digested, though. And, too, it’s really hard to feel bad about going over on carbs when the only carbs I ate in a day were raw broccoli, cabbage, garlic, fermented soy, and a little bit of lemon juice. Cabbage regularly crops up as a purported cancer-fighting food and is great at standing up to this flavorful dressing. One serving of this salad provides over 300% the US recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, over 60% of your daily vitamin A and almost three quarters of your daily calcium.
This salad is also excellent with julienned bell pepper, mung bean sprouts or raw mushrooms. Switch up the vegetables with whatever’s on hand to make this one yours.

Macro Breakdown per serving (a serving is 1/2 the recipe)
375 Calories
Total Carbs 17g | Fiber 5g | Net carbs 12g | Protein 18g | Fat 27g
Always weigh and measure your own ingredients to ensure accurate tracking.