Update: 11 September 2019
As I’m getting stronger I’m trying to incorporate more exercise into my routine. Some days I do great getting out for a long walk to the grocery store or something but most days I’m lucky if I go to the end of the block to buy my daily water (more on that in another post).
Enter my glorious rebounder! It’s ridiculous that I bought this thing given that it takes up a quarter of the available floor space in our mini Hong Kong apartment but I’m lucky to have the most supportive husband ever.

Rebounder Benefits for Cancer
In my research I’ve discovered that rebounding is evidently some of the best exercise a person with cancer can do. Benefits for cancer include:
- Improved Lymph Circulation
- Immune System Support
- Increased Oxygen Intake
Rebounding Stimulates Lymph Circulation – A Very Good Thing for Healing Cancer
Lymph starts its life as plasma in arterial blood. When the blood filters through tissue to deliver nutrients to cells and remove waste products, not all of it returns to the circulatory system. The 10% or so that is left behind becomes lymph and moves through the lymphatic system up towards the neck before it’s dumped back into the bloodstream at the subclavian veins. Along the way it gets filtered by the lymph nodes and any nasties are attacked by white blood cells. According to the Ehrlich Lymph Organization, “Lymph nodes also trap and destroy cancer cells to slow the spread of cancer until they are overwhelmed by it.”
Having a highly functioning lymphatic system is essential for your overall health and ability to fight cancer. The lymphatic system is comprised of several organs including the spleen, tonsils and lymph nodes, which are interconnected by a web of fine lymphatic vessels. The lymphatic system receives toxins and metabolic waste which are transported by the lymphatic fluid to the lymph nodes, to be discharged to the kidneys and liver for elimination. So without the lymphatic system, the body cannot effectively remove toxins.
Before starting my research I hadn’t realized that the body has three times as much lymph as it does blood. But whereas the circulatory system has the heart to pump blood through the body, the lymphatic system depends purely on the movement of muscles and joints to move that fluid around. The rebounding action of a trampoline is especially effective at moving lymph towards the nodes on its way to being filtered and detoxified. The flow of lymph is controlled by one-way valves that prevent backflow. In the absence of a pump, the motion of the rebounder helps coordinate the opening and closing of those valves so things move along nicely.
Other trivia I recently learned: the body only has 600-700 lymph nodes and they don’t regenerate. I don’t know how many of mine have been “overwhelmed” by the cancer – oncologists stop counting at “multiple” – but it looks like about a dozen. I want to take care of the ones that are left.
Rebounding Boosts the Immune System – Another Very Good Thing for Healing Cancer
Circulating lymph makes it easier for the immune system to eliminate all the nasties. Not only does healthy lymph movement push waste towards lymph nodes for processing, jumping on a rebounder activates human lymphocytes, specialized white blood cells which research suggests can kill tumor cells. In fact, these are the same white blood cells that are leveraged by some immunotherapy protocols. After two minutes of jumping on a trampoline the number of white blood cells triples and remains elevated for up to an hour.
Rebounding Increases Oxygen Intake – A Very Good Thing for Healing Cancer
As we know, cancer cells are anaerobic and thrive in a low oxygen environment and in fact cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment as evidenced by a 2000 study published in Cancer Research Journal among many other studies. One important tool as we “tend the soil” of our bodies to create a cancer-hostile environment by saturating our tissues with oxygen.
Enter the trampoline: A 1980 NASA study conclusively showed that jumping increases oxygen uptake and cellular oxygenation. By saturating our cells with oxygen we’re increasing energy and immune defences.
Other Benefits of the Rebounder
Oh yeah! It’s also pretty fun and good exercise.
How Do I Use a Rebounder for Cancer Therapy?
There are a few different recommended techniques that I’ve come across and the following are what I’ve been doing:
- Health Bounce
Keeping my feet about shoulder distance apart (sometimes wider for balance), I just gently bob up and down. That is, I’m bouncing but my feet barely leave the pad. I can absolutely feel the fluids in my body moving around (more on that below) so I assume I’m experiencing all the lymphatic benefits. - Seat Bounces
If I’m having a bad day and get tired from the health bounce quickly, I actually sit on the rebounder with my legs either crossed on the pad or with my feet on the floor. For someone in a wheelchair, this is the way to go. I don’t feel my fluids moving quite as much but I still feel like I’m accomplishing something. - Strength Jump
If I’m having a really good day, on the other hand, I’ll up my game and get some really good bounces in. Sometimes I put on music and really enjoy myself. The biggest thing for me is balance but I find widening my stance helps with that.
How often should I use a rebounder for cancer therapy?
According to Linda Brooks, author of Rebounding and Your Immune System, gentle bouncing on a rebounder or mini trampoline for two minutes out of every hour is good therapy for preventing and treating cancer. My ideal schedule would be to follow her guidance and add a longer session of 15-20 minutes in somewhere.
Pretty soon I’m going to start practicing EWOT, Exercising With Oxygen Therapy, during my longer session. I’ll talk about the advantages of that in another post.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can rebounding spread cancer?
This one has come up a lot and is completely valid given that rebounding is all about moving fluid through the lymph nodes and cancers, including mine, like to camp in lymph nodes. Also, there’s evidence that tumor biopsies can spread cancer. The answer, fortunately, is a confident NO, rebounding will not spread cancer. This has been confirmed by my oncologists at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester – who also reassured me that even a firm massage of the lymph node tumor won’t spread the cancer – and Hong Kong Queen Mary Hospital.
Any others?
Leave your questions in the comments and, whether it’s my personal experience or requires outside research, I’ll get back to you ASAP!
Hello Maggie. Thank you so much for the information you provided on rebounding. I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in 2019 at the age of 47. I was delighted to find your blog on rebounding and as a result i bought one!!! Thank you so very very much. Wishing you lots of love and wellbeing. Sophie xxxx
Hi Sophie! I’m so sorry for what you’re going through! I really hope you love the rebounder as it helps move all those powerful cancer-fighting immune cells right to where they’re needed! In case you haven’t read the full update: as of 1 year after my diagnosis (stage 4 lung spread to eye, liver, 4 tumors in the brain and over a dozen in lymph nodes in my chest and abdomen) I was cancer free and have been for the past 5 months. I can’t wait until you are, too. If you haven’t had a chance, check out the post stickied on the homepage on what I did just to see if there’s anything else you feel would be helpful to incorporate.
Sending you so much love and all my thoughts of healing!
Your information was great. My breast cancer was very small, almost missed but I decided to remove my lump even after my biopsy showed no cancer. It was on the outside. Ive done radiation and am starting HRT. My plan was to live to be 100, so this threw me for a loop. I’m 65. Damn HRT can cause bone loss. So I’m trying to counter that, looming menopause symptoms(again) and trying to prevent the cancer from recurring. I had wondered about the rebounding and keeping the lymph system clean. I’m going to buy one and start the rest of my life. Thanks
Wow! What a testament to the importance of being your own advocate! I’m so proud and inspired that you fought for the right treatment. You know your body better than anyone.
I have no doubt you will count some triple-digit birthdays.
Hi Maggie,
My momfound out she has pancreatic cancer last month. She started chemo, but she is not active as before. Some days, she could not even walk. I am so thankful to find your blog about rebounding. However, my concern is my mom’s port on her upper chest. If she does the rebounding, does it affect her port? Thank you.
Hi Linh! I’m so so sorry for what you and your mom are going through!
I know many people who rebound and exercise vigorously with their port but I really can’t say for your mom’s particular case. Definitely talk to her doctor to make sure it’s safe. Either way, make sure you consider sauna therapy as well! https://cancerv.me/2019/09/10/sauna-therapy-for-cancer
Much love to to you both!
There are lots of benefits of rebounding! It’s a really fun and enjoyable way to exercise for everyone.
Hi Maggie,
I was diagnosed with nsclc caused by RET fusion gene a few months ago. I am so glad I found your website. It is so inspiring and impressive how you go about thing and the knowledge you accumulated. Thank you for sharing it with everyone! One quick q on the effect of rebounding.. I skip rope.. would that be the same effect/benefit as rebounding (even if perhaps a bit harsher on joints)? Thanks!! Vanessa
Hi Vanessa! I’m so so sorry for what you’re dealing with right now but am SO impressed with the research you’re doing! I haven’t read any actual research on it so take my opinion with a grain of salt but I have the exact impression that you do that skipping rope should be at least as beneficial. A little roughness on the joints barely seems to matter in our situation. Keep me posted on your experience – you’re a complete inspiration!
Thank you Maggie ☺️ The more I read your blog the more I am contemplating doing plant based Keto. You are a real inspiration. Would it be possible to have an informal chat. I am really interested in your journey/ development in qualifying as a nutritionist as well as all the research you have done in alternative treatments. I am interested in both myself, studying nutrition and alternative treatments. I would love to chat and also find out about the programmes you are offering? All the best Vanessa
Hi Vanessa! Thank you so much for the kind words! I put my practice on hold while I focus on other projects but one of those projects is an online, 10 hour course that covers my usual coaching. I’ve recorded 2 hours so far and hope to have it out in the next few months. Feel free to email me questions in the meantime.
Very best!
Hey Maggie, Thought I would come to your page to see if you have any new blogs and never noticed this one before. I bought a rebounder after reading Crazy Sexy Cancer and am stoked you have a rebounder too! Am curious how often and how long you are using your rebounder nowadays : )
What kind of rebounder?
Hi Petra! Any kind you like that fits your budget and home =D This is the one I used in my tiny Hong Kong apartment and it was plenty good: https://amzn.to/3zCYqvY My sister in low got me one to keep in her home in Texas that was 2 inches larger and I liked it even better. Do look for something with a balance bar you can hold on to if your balance is shaky. Sending the best!
Ha! Crazy Sexy Cancer must totally be the first place I heard about it. It was the first “cancer book” I read =D
I left my rebounder in Hong Kong when we moved to London March 2020. Even though my apartment here in Seattle is 50% bigger than the old Hong Kong place, all the space is now occupied by the HBOT chamber and sauna. Brad’s sweet sister in Austin got me a bitching one for her house that I use every time I’m there.
What’s your routine?
Hi Maggie,
I’ve looked in to Hyperbaric chamber therapy as well and was wondering about purchasing a home unit. Would you be able to elaborate on what you know about them? Are the home ones supposed to work as well as the ones run by companies? I’m assuming you need to purchase oxygen tanks to go with it? Anything you can elaborate on in terms of purchasing the unit would be helpful. Thanks and good health!
Hi Tim! All the research I’ve read for cancer and TBI (like my brain radiation necrosis) used pressure of 2.0ATM or above. Home units use “mHBOT” or mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy of 1.3ATM. Medical civilians can’t own the high pressure chambers.
I bought a unit and modded it to 2.0 with the help of the compassionate company owners. If you’re interested in going this route, email me directly and I can help. Note that you’re looking at US$20-30k including the oxygen compressors and AC. For me, I was going 5 session for week where a medical company charged $250+ per session so it was a savings.
Sending you the very best!